2012年11月2日 星期五


本舞曲名The Gallant Forty-TWA, 是支蘇格蘭民謠, 舞法由張慶三配於民國六十二年十二月。

預備舞姿隊形 :男內女外成雙重圓,舞伴相對, 男背朝圓心, 女反之. 重心在右足上, 舞中之自由手男插腰, 女持裙。

音 樂 :2/4 ,  前奏8拍 。

舞法 :

1—4 8拍 : 左足起原位做四次蘇格蘭均衡步。
5—8 8拍 :牽右手, 以八走步循順時針方向走轉一圈。
9—12 8拍 :右足起原位做四次蘇格蘭均衡步。
13—16 8拍 :牽左手, 以八走步循反時針方向走轉一圈。

17-20 8拍 :牽內手, 朝方向線,外足起向前做四次疊步, 第三, 四次女在牽手下右轉一圈。
21-24 8拍:重複17—20小節動作。
25-28 8拍 :牽內手, 朝前做四次疊步, 女在牽手下右轉二圈。
29-32 8拍 : 閉式舞姿, 男左女右足起以四次疊步做疊步轉。



The Gallant Forty-TWA

The Gallant Forty TwaYou may talk about your lancers, or your Irish Fusiliers,
The Aberdeen Militia or the Queen's Own Volunteers;
Or any other regiment that's lying far awa'
Come gie to me the tartan of the gallant Forty Twa.

And strolling through the green fields on a summer day,
Watching all the country girls working at the hay,
I really was delighted and he stole my heart awa'
When I saw him in the tartan of the gallant Forty Twa.

Oh I never will forget the day his regiment marched past.
The pipes they played a lively tune but my heart was aghast,
He turned around and smiled farewell and then from far awa'
He waved at me the tartan of the gallant Forty Twa.


Once again I heard the music of the pipers from afar.
They tramped and tramped, the weary men returning from the war.
And as they nearer drew I brushed a woeful tear awa'
For me and my braw laddie of the gallant Forty Twa.


