2012年11月10日 星期六


Shomreine EL/Preserve Me, God (以色列)
"天神佑我" ,也有人稱為"求神佑我"作詞為Yosi Gispan, 作曲為ADI LEON, 由EYAL GOLAN演唱, DU DU BARZILAY 2009編舞

舞序: 1,1,間,2,2,尾,1,間,2,2,尾


右腳向方向線起走3步掃,左足踏(面向方向線)右足後踏左足踏, 右足踏,(面向方線, 身體往圓心移動)左足起, 踏後踏點,右轉一圈右足踏左腳前交叉(面向圓心),右足起踏後交換步轉(面向圓外,左足起踏後交換步轉(面向圓心),向圓心走3步轉向圓外走二步後交換步
右轉一圈,左轉一圈, 交換步(側向圓外),踏騎士,(向圓心)踏左轉之後走2 步,(面圓心)右葉門步(右手由下順時鐘方向畫一圈),交換步,(面向反方向線)左葉門步(左手由下逆時鐘方向畫一圈),交換步,踏騎士(4拍),右腳側跨(雙手同時由左下方順時方向畫一圈)(2拍), 重心回左足, 右腳併(點)
右腳起前交叉,左腳踏右腳後交叉,左足慢掃向後, 右踏, 左足前交叉, 交換步



Shomreni el mikol mere'a
av harachaman bore olam,
harei hakol atah yode'a
umi ani rak ben adamKol yahavi aleicha melech
ha'er einai adon hakol
bachashechah ham'tze li derech
bah et'halech velo epol
Shomreni el miyetzer ra
hagen alai mikol tzarah
sh'mor ahuvai uvnei ami,
ush'mor alai gam me'atzmi
Min hametzer ekra aneni
rape nafshi mike'evah
rachem alai, nakeh mimeni
et hirhuri hata'avah
Shomreni el miyetzer ra

Guard me God from all evil
Merciful father, creator of the universe
You know it all
And who am I?
Only a humanAll my hope is with you
Light my eyes master of all
Find me the way in the dark
I will walk in it and will not fall
Guard me God from evil inclination
Guard me from every trouble
Guard my love ones and my people
And guard me from my self
When I call in distress, answer me
Heal my soul from its pain
Have mercy on me, clean me
From all desires thoughts
Guard me God…..

