2012年11月14日 星期三


(張慶三, 陳芳枝合編)

本舞配曲為Blue Skirt Waltz, 為美國風行的民謠, 於民國59年3月首先於國際學舍介紹, 歌曲迷人, 特色在17-20小節之男進女退, 緊跟著女子向右後轉身而互挽之動作.

音樂: 3/4, 前奏三拍.

預備及舞姿:  雙重圓, 面朝方向線, 牽內手, 重心在內足上


1-2 (6拍) --外足起向前做二次華士步.
3 (3拍)-- 男繼續向前做一次華士步, 女則以一次華士步, 右轉一圈, 牽手不放開.
4 (3拍)-- 以外足為軸, 內轉半圈而朝反方向線, 同時換牽另手(1), 男右女左趾在反方向線前點(2,3)
5-8 (12拍)-- 男右女左足起反方向同以上1-4小節動, 最後朝方向線, 牽內手.

9-12 (12拍) --外足起以四次華士步前進, 同時女子在手下右轉二圈.
13-16 (12拍)-- 放開手, 女右足起以四次華士步朝方向線前進, 同時依次向右, 左,右, 左後方看舞伴, 男則在女後, 左足起以四次華士步隨其前進, 同時在女子之右, 左,右, 左方看舞伴.

17-20 (12拍)--  女子向後轉身與舞伴互挽右肘, 以四次華士步循順時針方向互繞.
21-24 (12拍)--  右轉後, 換挽左肘, 以四次華士步循反時針方向互繞.
25-28 (12拍)--  舞伴相對, 男背朝圓心, 交叉牽雙手, 男左女右足起退後, 前進, 退後, 前進共做四次華士均衡步
29-32  (12拍)-- 取閉式舞姿, 做華士轉, 最後三拍女在相牽之男左女右手下右轉, 而成預備舞姿(男站在原位助女轉身)


I dream of that night with you,
Lady, when first we met.
We danced in a world of blue,
how can my heart forget.
Blue were the skies, and blue were your eyes,
just like the blue skirt you wore.
Come back blue lady, come back;
don't be blue any more. 

I wandered alone one night,
when I heard an orchestra play.
I met you when lights were bright,
and people were care-free and gay.
You were the beautiful lady in blue;
I was in heaven just waltzing with you.
You thrilled me with strange delight,
then softly you stole away.

I dream of that night with you;
Lady when first we met.
We danced in a world of blue,
how can my heart forget.
Blue were the skies, and blue were your eyes;
just like the blue skirt you wore.
Come back blue lady, come back;
don't be blue any more. 

